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Our Mission

Inspiring, empowering and educating communities towards greater local food resilience.
Brocolli Tree

Our Vision

To facilitate a movement to enrich local food resilience and empower communities through:
* Delivery of local community resilience workshops and resources;
* Providing inspiring educational films & short stories which document community initiatives already happening around Aotearoa, NZ;

Activating the vision

The Localising Food Project began as an educational adventure, with Earthcare Education Aotearoa founder, Robina McCurdy and a volunteer crew touring New Zealand, connecting with communities, teaching workshops and filming over 200 examples of local food resilience.
Teacher and Children

Main Documentaries & Trailers


Hands On Seed Saving  -  Documentary & Trailer

SOS Save Our Seeds!  -  Documentary & Trailer

Hands On Seed Saving Documentary Trailer


SOS Save Our Seeds Documentary Trailer


Growing Schools  - 4 Part  Documentary & Trailer

Edible Paradise - Growing the Food Forest Revolution  -  Doco & Trailer

Growing Schools Documentary Trailer



Mini Doco Stories

Fruit Trees & Refugees: Stoke Open Orchard

Fruit Trees & Refugees: Stoke Open Orchard

Perennial Public Planting - seeding the Garden City of the Future // CCC trailer

Perennial Public Planting - seeding the Garden City of the Future // CCC trailer

Growing Gardeners in Golden Bay

Growing Gardeners in Golden Bay

Awakening Gardeners - Edible Learnscapes and Nature Havens in Early Childhood Centres

Awakening Gardeners - Edible Learnscapes and Nature Havens in Early Childhood Centres

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Localising Food is a project of The Institute of Earthcare Education Aotearoa. As well as documentary production, Earthcare offers local food resilient workshops, permaculture design courses, community development consultancies and sustainability education resource materials. For further info:   www.earthcare-education.org


LFP Growing Schools - Localising Food Project

EEA logo

Geewhiz Logo1

Video Categories:

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Mini Docos & Trailers Slide Show

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Locate Us

The Institute of Earthcare Education Aotearoa
Tui, No 264 McShane Rd,
Wainui Bay, Takaka 7183
Registered Charitable Trust
Personal donations qualify for a 33% Tax Rebate
Charities Commission reg # is CC45548
Our IRD No is: 77-957-669